Progressive Social Change Perspectives and Therapy: Mapping the Interfaces
Part 1: From Progressive Social Change Perspectives to Therapy
Pluralism, social justice, counselling, psychotherapy, progressivismAbstract
The pluralistic approach to therapy is grounded in principles of progressive social change. This paper is the first part of a review that maps the interfaces between progressive social change perspectives and therapy; with this, Part 1, introducing the review and focusing on the contribution of the former on the latter. Building on previous maps by Totton and Sanders, the aim is to help create a comprehensive, integrated framework for understanding these interfaces that can stimulate further writing, research, and practice. A systematic search of two key journals and related literature was conducted, resulting in the construction of seven main domains, some of which were further divided into sub-domains. Domains and sub-domains are: the existence of Therapy-as-a-Whole, Therapeutic Practice (subdomains: Understanding Clients and Formulation, Therapists’ Self-Understandings, The Therapeutic Relationship, Methods and Techniques, Therapeutic Interventions), Supervision, Training (subdomains: Curricula, Process, Access), Research (subdomains: Topics, Methodology), Access to Therapy, and The Therapy Profession. Literature and practices in each of these areas is described and illustrated. This paper also considers key traditions of progressive social change thought and action in the therapy field and discusses the challenges of mapping out these interfaces. By bringing together a wide range of literature and traditions, this paper supports pluralistic therapists, and others with a progressive social change perspective, to reflect on, and develop, the social justice elements of their thought and practice. Part 2 of this review, to be published, will look at the contribution of therapy to progressive social change perspectives, and integrated psych-political approaches.
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